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Diabetologia | Published online 15. Februar 2023

Skeletal muscle and intermuscular adipose tissue gene expression profiling identifies new biomarkers with prognostic significance for insulin resistance progression and intervention response

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Autoren: Dominik Lutter & Stephan Sachs & Marc Walter & Anna Kerege & Leigh Perreault & Darcy E. Kahn & Amare D. Wolide & Maximilian Kleinert & Bryan C. Bergman & Susanna M. Hofmann / © 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG

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© 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG


Although insulin resistance often leads to type 2 diabetes mellitus, its early stages are often unrecognised, thus reducing the probability of successful prevention and intervention. Moreover, treatment efficacy is affected by the genetics of the individual. We used gene expression profiles from a cross-sectional study to identify potential candidate genes for the prediction of diabetes risk and intervention response.

Using a multivariate regression model, we linked gene expression profiles of human skeletal muscle and intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) to fasting glucose levels and glucose infusion rate. Based on the expression patterns of the top predictive genes, we characterised and compared individual gene expression with clinical classifications using k-nearest neighbour clustering. The predictive potential of the candidate genes identified was validated using muscle gene expression data from a longitudinal intervention study.

We found that genes with a strong association with clinical measures clustered into three distinct expression patterns. Their predictive values for insulin resistance varied substantially between skeletal muscle and IMAT. Moreover, we discovered that individual gene expression-based classifications may differ from classifications based predominantly on clinical variables, indicating that participant stratification may be imprecise if only clinical variables are used for classification. Of the 15 top candidate genes, ST3GAL2, AASS, ARF1 and the transcription factor SIN3A are novel candidates for predicting a refined diabetes risk and intervention response.

Our results confirm that disease progression and successful intervention depend on individual gene expression states. We anticipate that our findings may lead to a better understanding and prediction of individual diabetes risk and may help to develop individualised intervention strategies.

Women’s Health Reports | 6. Februar 2023

Virologists’ Sex- and Gender-Based Medical Knowledge of COVID-19 Affects Quality of Students’ Education

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Autoren: Helena Schluchter, Gabriele Kaczmarczyk und Ute Seeland


Background: A sex- and gender-based approach to medical education is important to develop new knowledge and to improve quality of and equality within health care. Results of a systematic survey showed a lack of sex- and gender-based medical education at German medical faculties. The global severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is affecting people from diverse backgrounds differently, and the reciprocal interactions between biological sex and sociocultural gender aspects with regard to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) necessitate an intersectional research approach and transfer to medical education.

Methods: This descriptive-phenomenological qualitative online survey focused on the sex and gender knowledge of faculty staff and the status of implementation in medical education and research at departments of virology and immunology at German university hospitals. It comprised 16 questions generated by an expert consortium based on published research data. In the fall of 2021, 36 leading virologists were invited to participate anonymously in this survey.

Results: The response rate was 44 %. Most experts deemed sex and gender knowledge as not that important or not important. Almost half the lecturers supported a sex- and gender-based research design and sexdisaggregated analysis of animal study data. Biological sex differences and gender aspects regarding SARSCoV-2 were at least occasionally addressed upon a student’s request.

Conclusion: Virologists attributed only minor importance to sex and gender knowledge, despite scientific evidence of sex and gender differences in the field of virology, immunology, and COVID-19 in particular. This knowledge is not systematically implemented in the curriculum, but rather only occasionally passed on to medical students.

DMW-Ausgabe 19/2022 | Kommentar zu „Schlaganfall: Fehl- und Totgeburten als Risikofaktoren?“

Neue Risikofaktoren für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen

PDF-Link Link zum Artikel (PDF) / © 2022 Thieme

Autorin: PD. Dr. med. Ute Seeland
Fachärztin für Innere Medizin, Gendermedizinerin DGesGM
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Gastprofessur Universitätsmedizin Mainz


Mai 2022 | Thema: ELSEVIER ESSENTIALS Männermedizin

Das Buch "ELSEVIER ESSENTIALS Männermedizin“ ist seit dem 17.05.2022 im Buchhandel erhältlich.

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Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Arnulf Stenzl, Facharzt für Urologie, Direktor der Klinik für Urologie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen; Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU); Adjunct Secretary Science der European Association of Urology (EAU); Mitglied des Leitungsgremiums der European Cancer Organisation (ECO)

Professor Dr. med. Steffen Rausch, Facharzt für Urologie, Oberarzt der Klinik für Urologie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen

Auszug Inhalt (gekürzt):

  • Die gesundheitliche Lage von Männern
  • Endokrinologie und reproduktive Gesundheit
    • Urogenitale Fehlbildungen
    • Komplizierte Harnwegsifnifektionen im Kindesalter
    • Hormon- und Wachstumsstörungen
    • Psychosexuelle Entwicklung
    • Männl. Infertilität und unerfüllter Kinderwunsch
    • Erektions-und Ejakulationsstörungen
  • Geschlechtsspezifische Themen in der allgemeinmedizinischen/ internistischen Praxis
    • Stoffwechselstörungen
    • Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen (Autoren:  Peter Ong und Ute Seeland, S. 51)
    • Psychologie und Psychosomatik
    • Benignes Prosatatsyndrom und Symptome des unteren Harntraktes
    • Männliche Inkontinenz
    • Induratio Penis Plastica
  • Onkologie
    • Kolonkarzinom
    • Prostatakarzinom
    • Malignes Melanom
    • Bronchialkarzinom
    • Hodentumore
    • Peniskarzinom
    • Leben mit einer Krebserkrankung / Psychoonkologie
  • Ernährung, Sucht, Fitness
  • Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
  • Ausblick (Versorgung/Forschung)

Der Hausarzt - meist erste Anlaufstelle bei gesundheitlichen Problemen

Bei männlichen Patienten kommen oft andere Themen zur Sprache als bei Frauen. Deshalb braucht der Allgemeinmediziner spezielles Wissen über männerspezifische Themen und Symptome. Neben häufigen Erkrankungen des kardiovaskulären Systems und der Prostata spielen auch heikle Themen wie sexuelle Funktionsstörungen, Hormonveränderungen und Depression eine Rolle.

Das Buch ESSENTIALS Männermedizin gibt Ihnen das notwendige Rüstzeug, um Ihre männlichen Patienten kompetent und erfolgreich zu begleiten.

Das Buch eignet sich für:

  • Allgemeinmediziner*innen (Hausärzt*innen)
  • Internist*innen (Hausärzt*innen)

November 2021 | Thema: Arterielle Gefäßalterung / Vascular Ageing

Sex and Gender Aspects in Vascular Ageing -
Focus on Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Outcomes

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Review Heart Lung Circ 2021 Nov;30(11):1637-1646. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2021.07.006. Epub 2021 Aug 25.

Ute Seeland 1, János Nemcsik 2, Mai Tone Lønnebakken 3, Karolina Kublickiene 4, Helena Schluchter 5, Chloe Park 6, Giacomo Pucci 7, Ioana Mozos 8, Rosa-Maria Bruno 9, Sex and Gender VascAgeNet Expert Group

PMID: 34452844 DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2021.07.006


Sex and gender are important modifiers of cardiovascular system physiology, pathophysiology, and disease development. The atherosclerosis process, together with the progressive loss of arterial elasticity with age, is a major factor influencing the development of overt cardiovascular, renal, and cerebrovascular disease. While differences between women and men in epidemiology and pathophysiology of vascular ageing are increasingly reported, sex-disaggregated data are still scarcely available for prospective studies. A better knowledge of sex differences in physiological ageing as well as in disease-related changes in vascular ageing trajectories is crucial to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment. This review presents key concepts and knowledge gaps identified in vascular ageing due to gonadal function, vascular physiology, pathophysiology, psychosocial factors, pregnancy, and prognostic relevance. Gender roles determine the effectiveness of any cardiovascular preventive strategy and acceptance for non-invasive or invasive diagnostics and therapeutics. Gender differences in health behaviour, also due to sociocultural norms conditioned by society, contribute to behaviours that may lead to premature arterial vascular ageing. These include differences in risk behaviours like smoking, diet, exercise, and in stress, but also conditions such as housing, noise pollution, poverty, disability, and any kind of stigmatisation. The VascAgeNet Gender Expert Group aims to advance the use of non-invasive vascular ageing measures in routine clinical settings by providing facts to fill in the gaps concerning sex and gender differences at each step of this process, and to search for solutions.

Mai 2021 | Thema: COVID-19 (Review Artikel)

Sensitive to Infection but Strong in Defense -
Female Sex and the Power of Oestradiol in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Front. Glob. Womens Health, 11 May 2021

Louise Newson1, Isaac Manyonda2, Rebecca Lewis1, Robert Preissner3, Saskia Preissner4 and Ute Seeland3*

1 Newson Health Ltd, Winton House, Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom

2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom

3 Institute of Physiology and Science-IT, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany

4 Department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany


The incidence of SARS-CoV2 infections is around 15% higher in premenopausal women compared to age matched men, yet the fatality rate from COVID-19 is significantly higher in men than women for all age strata. Sex differences have also been observed in recent epidemics including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), with SARS-CoV 2 virus infection sex differences appear more dramatic. The regulation and expression of the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is the key for this special coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to enter the cell. 17β-oestradiol increases expression level and activity of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and the alternative signaling pathway of Ang II via the angiotensin II receptor type II (AT2R) and the Mas receptor is more dominant in female sex than in male sex. Maybe a hint to explain the higher infection risk in women. The same hormonal milieu plays a major role in protecting women where morbidity and mortality are concerned, since the dominant female hormone, oestradiol, has immune-modulatory properties that are likely to be protective against virus infections. It is also known that the X chromosome contains the largest number of immune-related genes, potentially conferring an advantage to women in efficient immune responsiveness. Lifestyle factors are also likely to be contributory. Premenopausal women could possibly face higher exposure to infection (hence higher infection rates) because economic conditions are often less favorable for them with less opportunity for home office work because of jobs requiring mandatory attendance. Due to the additional task of childcare, it is likely that contact times with other people will be longer. Women generally make healthier lifestyle choices, thus reducing the disease burden that confers high risk of mortality in COVID-19 infected men. This narrative review aims to present key concepts and knowledge gaps on the effects of oestrogen associated with SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID-19 disease.


Januar - Dezember 2020 | Thema: Lehre / Education

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis on Sex and Gender in Preparatory Material for National Medical Examination in Germany and the United States

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J Med Educ Curric Dev 2020 Jan 10;7:2382120519894253. doi: 10.1177/2382120519894253. eCollection Jan-Dec 2020.

Helena Schluchter 1, Ahmad T Nauman 1, Sabine Ludwig 2, Vera Regitz-Zagrosek 1 3 4, Ute Seeland 1 4

Sex- and gender-based medicine (SGBM) should be a mandatory part of medical education. We compared the quantity and quality of sex- and gender-related content of e-learning materials commonly used by German and American medical students while preparing for national medical examinations.

Quantitative, line-by-line analysis of the preparatory materials AMBOSS 2017 and USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes (2017) by KAPLAN MEDICAL was performed between April and October 2017. Subjects were allocated to one of the three main fields: clinical subjects, behavioral and social science, and pharmacology. Qualitative analysis comprised binary categorization into sex- and gender-based aspects and qualification with respect to the presence of a pathophysiological explanation for the sex or gender difference.

In relation to the total content of AMBOSS and KAPLAN, the sex- and gender-based share of the clinical subjects content was 26.8% (±8.2) in AMBOSS and 21.1% (±10.2) in KAPLAN. The number of sex- and gender-based aspects in the behavioral and social science learning material differed significantly for AMBOSS and KAPLAN (4.4% ± 3.1% vs 10.7% ± 7.5%; P = .044). Most of the sex- and gender-related content covered sex differences. Most learning cards and texts did not include a detailed pathophysiological explanation for sex- or gender-based aspects. The knowledge provided in the preparatory documents represents only a small part of facts that are already known about sex and gender differences.

The preparatory materials focused almost exclusively on biological sex differences and the sociocultural dimension in particular is underrepresented. A lot more evidence-based facts are known and should be integrated into the materials to reflect the importance of SGBM as an integral component of patient-centered medicine.


November 2020 | Thema: COVID-19

Evidence for treatment with estradiol for women with SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Ute Seeland, Flaminia Coluzzi, Maurizio Simmaco, Cameron Mura, Philip E. Bourne, Max Heiland, Robert Preissner & Saskia Preissner

BMC Medicine volume 18, Article number: 369 (2020)

Given that an individual’s age and gender are strongly predictive of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomes, do such factors imply anything about preferable therapeutic options?

An analysis of electronic health records for a large (68,466-case), international COVID-19 cohort, in 5-year age strata, revealed age-dependent sex differences. In particular, we surveyed the effects of systemic hormone administration in women. The primary outcome for estradiol therapy was death. Odds ratios (ORs) and Kaplan-Meier survival curves were analyzed for 37,086 COVID-19 women in two age groups: pre- (15–49 years) and peri-/post-menopausal (> 50 years).

The incidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is higher in women than men (by about + 15%) and, in contrast, the fatality rate is higher in men (about + 50%). Interestingly, the relationships between these quantities are linked to age: pre-adolescent girls and boys had the same risk of infection and fatality rate, while adult premenopausal women had a significantly higher risk of infection than men in the same 5-year age stratum (about 16,000 vs. 12,000 cases). This ratio changed again in peri- and postmenopausal women, with infection susceptibility converging with men. While fatality rates increased continuously with age for both sexes, at 50 years, there was a steeper increase for men. Thus far, these types of intricacies have been largely neglected. Because the hormone 17ß-estradiol influences expression of the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein, which plays a role in SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry, propensity score matching was performed for the women’s sub-cohort, comparing users vs. non-users of estradiol. This retrospective study of hormone therapy in female COVID-19 patients shows that the fatality risk for women > 50 years receiving estradiol therapy (user group) is reduced by more than 50%; the OR was 0.33, 95% CI [0.18, 0.62] and the hazard ratio (HR) was 0.29, 95% CI [0.11,0.76]. For younger, pre-menopausal women (15–49 years), the risk of COVID-19 fatality is the same irrespective of estradiol treatment, probably because of higher endogenous estradiol levels.

As of this writing, still no effective drug treatment is available for COVID-19; since estradiol shows such a strong improvement regarding fatality in COVID-19, we suggest prospective studies on the potentially more broadly protective roles of this naturally occurring hormone.


Juni 2020


PDF - Sex differences in arterialwave reflection pic-pdf-file flag en  Sex differences in arterial wave reflection and the role of exogenous and endogenous sex hormones: results of the Berlin Aging Study II

Seeland U, Demuth I, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, König M. J Hypertens. 2020;38(6):1040-1046. doi:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002386


Background: Arterial stiffness is tightly linked to hypertension. Sex differences in hypertension and arterial stiffness have already been established, yet the role of sex hormones is not precisely defined. This study examined age and sex differences of arterial wave reflection and associations with  endogenous and exogenous sex hormones in women.

Methods: Pulse wave analysis was performed with an oscillometric device in 590 male and 400 female participants of the Berlin Aging Study II. Participants have been recruited from two age-strata, 22–35 years and 60–82 years. Data on exposures and potential confounders, including medication, have been collected at baseline visit.

Results: Aumentation index (AIx) and pulse wave velocity increased with age. Mean AIx was higher in women than in men. Multivariable regression analysis showed a positive association between use of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) and AIx controlling for confounders (age, BMI, current smoking, central blood pressure), with a significantly higher mean AIx in OCP-users compared with nonusers (mean group difference: 4.41; 95% confidence interval 1.61–7.22). Per quartile decrease in estradiol level AIx increased by 1.72 (95% confidence interval 0.43–3.00). In OCP users endogenous estradiol was largely suppressed.

Conclusion: The findings suggest important sex differences in measures of arterial wave reflection, with a higher mean AIx observed in women compared with men. OCPs may promote the development of hypertension by increasing AIx. Suppressed endogenous estradiol levels may be responsible for this increased wave reflection due to increased vasotonus of the small and medium arteries.

Februar / März 2020



Ein Interview mit Frau Dr. med. Ute Seeland
>> Erstveröffentlichung im Kongressbrief Februar | März 2020
(Quelle: Bundeskongress für Gender-Gesundheit | Institut für Gender-Gesundheit e.V.)

Auch angesichts der COVID-19 Pandemie sind wir nicht alle gleich. Bei älteren Menschen bzw. Menschen mit Vorerkrankungen kann eine Infektion zu einem schwereren oder gar tödlichen Verlauf führen, wie die traurigen Zahlen jeden Tag weltweit eindrucksvoll zeigen. Auch stellt sich – ganz langsam zwar – das Bewusstsein ein, dass (meist) unterbezahlte „typische Frauenberufe“, wie in der Pflege oder im Supermarkt, den Laden überwiegend am Laufen halten, also systemrelevant sind und ihre Miete nicht nur durch freundlichen Applaus bezahlen können.

Zur Wahrheit gehört aber auch, dass der Krankheitsverlauf bei Männern und Frauen unterschiedlich ist, dass laut aktueller Statistiken überwiegend Männer an diesem Virus versterben. Verfügen Männer folglich über ein schwächeres Immunsystem oder leben Frauen einfach gesünder? Ein gendermedizinischer Blick scheint geboten, um ergebnisoffen gleich zu Beginn der Erforschung neuer Erkrankungen wie COVID-19 den Einfluss biologischer Geschlechterunterschiede und soziokultureller Gegebenheiten zu berücksichtigen, die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente nutzbar zu machen und keine wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren.

Statt des gewohnten Editorials lesen Sie hier das Interview mit Dr. med. Ute Seeland (Gendermedizinerin | DGesGM).

KongressBrief GenderGesundheit (KBGG): Männer scheinen häufiger von einem schwereren, ja tödlichen Verlauf einer Infektion durch COVID-19 betroffen zu sein. Wie beurteilen Sie solche Statistiken?

Dr. Ute Seeland: Erste Daten aus dem Versorgungsalltag zeigen, dass Männer mit COVID-19 Infektionen häufiger von einem schweren und oft tödlichen Verlauf betroffen sind als Frauen. Solche Darstellungen sind natürlich nicht falsch, können aber den Blick einengen und den Sachverhalt zu einfach darstellen.

Sehen wir uns die Darstellung der National Records of Scotland (NRS) an, die die Anzahl der mit dem Coronavirus in Verbindung gebrachten Todesfälle zwischen dem 16. März und dem 5. April 2020 zeigt, dann sehen wir, dass ab einem Lebensalter von 85 Jahren mehr Frauen als Männer versterben. Das ist schon interessant.

Auf der Seite des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) zeigt sich für Deutschland, dass sich der Geschlechterunterschied erst ab einem Alter von 90 Jahren aufhebt, allerdings wurde hier eine andere Alterseinteilung auf der X-Achse  gewählt.  Aufgabe der Gendermedizinier*innen ist es z.B. weitere epidemiologische Kennzahlen zu berücksichtigen, wie z.B. die längere Lebenserwartung von Frauen, die Vorerkrankungen und medikamentöse Therapien bei beiden Geschlechtern, den Zugang zum Gesundheitssystem usw..


KBGG: Wie könnten aus gendermedizinischer Sicht Statistiken genauer dargestellt werden?

Dr. Ute Seeland: Bleiben wir bei den Balkendiagrammen. Nach welchen Kriterien die Altersstrata auf der X-Achse gewählt werden, kann z.B. von der zu beantwortenden Fragestellung bzw. Hypothese abhängen. Möchte ich einen ersten Eindruck bekommen, ob die Todesfälle oder die Zahl der Infizierten mit Phasen biologischer Veränderungen in Verbindung stehen, z.B. bei größeren Hormonschwankungen, dann wären folgende Einteilungen denkbar: 30-49, 50-69, 70-89 und ab 90. Hier wäre z.B. der Zeitpunkt vor der Menopause, die Perimenopause und danach berücksichtigt.


KBGG: Verfügen wir denn über Daten, die eine geschlechtersensible Auswertung erlauben? Oder anders gefragt, werden die erforderlichen Daten in Studien überhaupt entsprechend erhoben?  

Dr. Ute Seeland: Das ist oft nicht der Fall und wertvolle Informationen können verloren gehen. Ich sehe zwei Gründe dafür. Erstens wird von den meisten Forschenden bei der Studien- und Registerplanung nicht an die Erhebung und Auswertung nach dem Geschlecht gedacht und zweitens führen diese zusätzlichen Daten zu einer Verlängerung des Fragebogens, was immer ein kritischer Punkt ist.

Hier einen Mittelweg zu finden, ist das Ziel und gar nicht so schwierig, wenn die Geschlechterunterschiede in den formulierten Hypothesen gleich zu Beginn der Studie verankert sind. Bei großen Registern, die nun für COVID-19 auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene koordiniert werden, ist das Einbinden der Expertise von Gendermediziner*innen besonders wichtig, um nicht wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren und zu riskieren, durch gegenläufige Effekte bei den Geschlechtern die Unterschiede statistisch zu maskieren.  


KBGG: Wo sehen Sie das größte Risiko, wenn diese Unterschiede nicht oder nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt werden?

Dr. Ute Seeland: Aus der Vergangenheit wissen wir, dass Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungsprofil von Medikamenten sehr unterschiedlich sein können bei Frauen und Männern. Das fällt dann oft erst spät in der Versorgungsforschung auf. Bei COVID-19 sollten wir uns nicht leisten, Zeit, Geld und Ressourcen zu verschwenden, sondern besser vom ersten Zellexperiment an die Daten getrennt nach den Geschlechtern erheben und auswerten.


KBGG: Ist das weibliche Immunsystem besser gerüstet oder liegt es an einer im Schnitt gesünderen Lebensweise?

Dr. Ute Seeland: Bei der Erforschung der Geschlechterunterschiede haben wir sowohl biologische als auch soziokulturelle Unterschiede der Geschlechter im Blick. Das macht das Fach der Gendermedizin so spannend.  

Ich sehe zur Zeit wesentliche Forschungsansätze, die sich auf den Geschlechterdimorphismus bei den Enzymen und Rezeptoren beziehen, die wahrscheinlich an der Replikation des SARS-CoV-2 beteiligt sind, als auch bei den an der Immunabwehr beteiligten Interleukinen. Wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass ACE-2 einen Rezeptor für verschiedene Coronaviren ist, einschließlich SARS-CoV-2, und dass das Virus diesen Rezeptor braucht, um sich zu vermehren und in Zellen zu gelangen, fällt mir auf, dass ACE-2 auf dem X-Chromosom lokalisiert ist.

Eine interessante Ausgangslage, die Geschlechterutnerschiede bedingen kann. Auch wenn das zweite X-Chromosom in der weiblichen Zelle größtenteils funktionell nicht aktiv ist, so entgehen diesem Prozess doch ca. 15% der Gene. Zusätzlich wird ACE-2 auch durch endogenes Estradiol, dem weiblichen Sexualhormon, reguliert, so dass auch möglicherweise Unterschiede bei prä- und postmenopausalen Frauen bei der SARS-CoV-2 Infektion nachgewiesen werden können.

Theoretisch könnte es also sein, dass das Virus mehr Rezeptoren bei Frauen vor der Menopause  findet, die dann eine größere Viruslast aufweisen. Das bedeutet nicht unbedingt, dass die Frauen häufiger Symptome zeigen, sondern dass sie möglicherweise eine größere Anzahl von Viren übertragen könnten im Vergleich zu den gleichaltrigen Männern. Ob das so ist, muss erst noch untersucht werden.

Zumindest zeigt die Grafik zur Darstellung der übermittelten COVID-19/Fälle pro 100.000 Einwohner in Deutschland auf der Seite des RKI, dass in der Alterspanne zwischen 15 und 34 Jahren der Anteil der Frauen, die sich infiziert haben, etwas höher ist als der der Männer.

Erst am Ende der Pandemiewelle und einem möglichst großen Datensatz wird man sehen, ob dieser Trend so bleibt.

Neben den biologischen Unterschieden, spielen die soziokulturellen bei der Pandemie sicherlich eine ähnlich große Rolle. Anders sind die großen Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Ländern kaum zu erklären. Soziale Missstände und Defizite im Gesundheitswesen werden durch die Virusinfektion sichtbar.


KBGG: Inwieweit lässt sich ein unterschiedlicher Krankheitsverlauf beobachten, unter Berücksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer Unterschiede in der Immunabwehr?

Dr. Ute Seeland: Bei den meisten Menschen bleibt es bei der Virusvermehrung im Rachen. Nur bei ca 2 % der Infizierten kommt es zu einer ungewöhnlichen Entzündung in der Lunge nach ca. einer Woche nach Infektionsbeginn. Das ist der Zeitpunkt an dem das Immunsystem aktiv wird.

Von rheumatologischen Studien weiß man, dass das Immunsystem von Frauen und Männern in Abhängigkeit der Sexulahormone unterschiedlich aktiv sein kann. Mir fällt z.B. die Produktion von Interleukin-6 ein, das der Körper u.a. bei der Immunabwehr braucht.  

Östrogen hemmt die Produktion eher und Testosteron steigert diese. Die Reaktion des Immunsystems ist entscheidend für die Ausprägung der Symptome, so dass es durchaus zu einer etwas unterschiedlichen Symptomatik kommen kann bei COVID-19 Erkrankten abhängig vom Hormonstatus. Möglicherweise wäre das einer von mehreren Erklärungsansätzen für die stärkeren Symptome bei Männern und – so die Vermutung – auch bei postmenopausalen Frauen im Vergleich zu jüngeren Frauen.

Januar 2020


PDF - Sex differences in arterialwave reflection pic-pdf-file flag en Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis on Sex and Gender in Preparatory Material for National Medical Examination in Germany and the United States

Schluchter H, Nauman AT, Ludwig S, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Seeland U., J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2020;7:2382120519894253. Published 2020 Jan 10. doi:10.1177/2382120519894253


Background: Sex- and gender-based medicine (SGBM) should be a mandatory part of medical education. We compared the quantity and quality of sex- and gender-related content of e-learning materials commonly used by German and American medical students while preparing for national medical examinations.

Methods: Quantitative, line-by-line analysis of the preparatory materials AMBOSS 2017 and USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes (2017) by KAPLAN MEDICAL was performed between April and October 2017. Subjects were allocated to one of the three main fields: clinical subjects, behavioral and social science, and pharmacology. Qualitative analysis comprised binary categorization into sex- and gender-based aspects and qualification with respect to the presence of a pathophysiological explanation for the sex or gender difference.

Results: In relation to the total content of AMBOSS and KAPLAN, the sex- and gender-based share of the clinical subjects content was 26.8% (±8.2) in AMBOSS and 21.1% (±10.2) in KAPLAN. The number of sex- and gender-based aspects in the behavioral and social science learning material differed significantly for AMBOSS and KAPLAN (4.4% ± 3.1% vs 10.7% ± 7.5%; P = .044). Most of the sex- and genderrelated content covered sex differences. Most learning cards and texts did not include a detailed pathophysiological explanation for sex- or gender-based aspects. The knowledge provided in the preparatory documents represents only a small part of facts that are already known about sex and gender differences.

Conclusions: The preparatory materials focused almost exclusively on biological sex differences and the sociocultural dimension in particular is underrepresented. A lot more evidence-based facts are known and should be integrated into the materials to reflect the importance of SGBM as an integral component of patient-centered medicine.



Manuscript: Adverse Drug Reactions pic-pdf-file flag en Adverse Drug Reactions to Guideline-Recommended Heart Failure Drugs in Women

(A Systematic Review of the Literature)



OBJECTIVES This study sought to summarize all available evidence on sex differences in adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to heart failure (HF) medication.

BACKGROUND Women are more likely to experience ADRs than men, and these reactions may negatively affect women’s immediate and long-term health. HF in particular is associated with increased ADR risk because of the high number of comorbidities and older age. However, little is known about ADRs in women with HF who are treated with guideline-recommended drugs.

METHODS A systematic search of PubMed and EMBASE was performed to collect all available information on ADRs to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, b-blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, ivabradine, and digoxin in both women and men with HF.

RESULTS The search identified 155 eligible records, of which only 11 (7%) reported ADR data for women and men separately. Sex-stratified reporting of ADRs did not increase over the last decades. Six of the 11 studies did not report sex differences. Three studies reported a higher risk of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor–related ADRs in women, 1 study showed higher digoxin-related mortality risk for women, and 1 study reported a higher risk of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist–related ADRs in men. No sex differences in ADRs were reported for angiotensin II receptor blockers and b-blockers. Sex-stratified data were not available for ivabradine.

CONCLUSIONS These results underline the scarcity of ADR data stratified by sex. The study investigators call for a change in standard scientific practice toward reporting of ADR data for women and men separately. (J Am Coll Cardiol HF 2019;7:258–66) © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (



ESC Leitlinie 2018 Update DE pic-pdf-file flag de  Update 2018 der ESC-Leitlinie zu kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft

(Herz 8 / 43)


Herzerkrankungen sind in den westlichen Ländern die häufigste Ursache für den Tod der Mutter während einer Schwangerschaft. Die aktuelle ESC-Leitlinie 2018 zu Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen in der Schwangerschaft ist ein Handlungsleitfaden für jede Ärztin und jeden Arzt, die vor der Herausforderung stehen, schwangere Frauen mit kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen zu betreuen. Zu den neuen Konzepten gegenüber 2011 gehören die Empfehlungen, das mütterliche Risiko aufgrund der modifizierten Klassifikation der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (mWHO) einzustufen, die Einführung des „Schwangerschafts-Herz-Teams“, Hinweise zur assistierten Fertilitätstherapie, differenzierte Empfehlungen zur Antikoagulation für Frauen mit niedrigem und hohem Dosisbedarf an Vitamin-K-Antagonisten sowie die mögliche Verwendung von Bromocriptin bei der peripartalen Kardiomyopathie. Die FDA(Food and Drug Administration)-Kategorien A bis D und X sollen nicht mehr verwendet werden. Daher wurde die Tabelle zu den Arzneimitteln durch detaillierte Informationen aus tierexperimentellen und humanen Studien zum Risiko für Mutter und Fetus ergänzt. Die neuen Erkenntnisse zu den spezifischen Herzerkrankungen werden in den jeweiligen Kapiteln ausführlich dargestellt.


ESC Guidelines Pregnancy 2018 1flag en  Update of the ESC guidelines 2018 on cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy

(European Heart Journal (2018))


Heart diseases are the most common cause of maternal death during pregnancy in Western countries. The current ESC guidelines 2018 for the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy is a guide for any physician facing the challenge of caring for pregnant women with cardiovascular diseases. Among the new concepts compared to 2011, are recommendations to classify maternal risk due to the modified World Health Organization (mWHO) classification, introduction of the pregnancy heart team, guidance on assisted reproductive therapy, specific recommendations on anticoagulation for low-dose and high-dose requirements of vitamin K antagonists and the potential use of bromocriptine in peripartum cardiomyopathy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categories A–D and X should no longer be used. Therefore, the table of drugs was completed with detailed information from animal and human studies on maternal and fetal risks. The new findings on specific heart diseases are presented in detail in the respective chapters.



Internist-2017-Gender-and-cardiovascular-diseasespic-pdf-fileGeschlecht und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen
Warum wir Gendermedizin brauchen

(Der Internist Ausgabe 4-2017)

Ein Textauszug:

Geschlechterunterschiede bei Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen

Kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren nehmen bei  Frauen  zu,  vor  allem  Stoffwechselerkrankungen  und  Übergewicht,  negative Veränderungen im Lebensstil, Rauchen, zu  geringe  körperliche Belastung und  vermehrter Stress im  Alltag.  Stress spielt bei Frauen und Männern eine Rolle in  der  Entstehung  von  Herzerkrankungen.  Er  wurde  jedoch  kürzlich  in  der VIRGO-Studie  als  wichtiger  Risikofaktor für das Auftreten und den schlechten Verlauf eines Myokardinfarkts bei Frauen  identifiziert.  Nach älteren  Studien  unterscheiden  sich  die  wahrscheinlich krank machenden Stressformen bei Frauen und Männern. Dies wurde jedoch nicht in neueren Studien überprüft.

Diabetes fördert das Auftreten einer koronaren Herzkrankheit bei Frauen stärker als bei Männern.

Diabetes  ist  ein wichtiger Risikofaktor, der das Auftreten einer koronaren Herzkrankheit bei Frauen stärker fördert als bei  Männern.  Altersabhängig  erhöht er bei Frauen das Risiko für das Auftreten einer Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungumdas 5- bis 7-fache, bei Männern um das 3- bis 4-fache. Damit gleicht sich das absolute Risiko der Frauen und  Männer mit Diabetes an.  
Häufigere  Komorbiditäten wie  Übergewicht  und  chronische  Entzündungen  sowie  ungünstige  Veränderungen im Gerinnungssystem und in der Endothelfunktion tragen wahrscheinlich zum größeren relativen kardiometabolischen Risiko bei diabetischen Frauen bei [3].  Die  Frühstadien  des  Diabetes  bzw. der  Prädiabetes,  der  bei  älteren  Euro- päern bereits eine Prävalenz von bis zu 40 % erreicht hat und mit einem erhöhten kardiovaskulären Risiko einhergeht, unterscheiden sich  ebenfalls  bei  Männern und Frauen. Frauen haben eher eine gestörte Glukosetoleranz, Männer früher pathologische Nüchternglukosewerte. Rauchen ist ein wichtiger Risikofaktor bei  Frauen  und  Männern.  Die  europäischen Zahlen sagen,  dass immer mehr junge Frauen rauchen. Die Nichtraucherkampagnen haben die Männer bisher anscheinend besser erreicht als die Frauen.


Ventura-Clapier-R-Dworatzek-E-Seelandpic-pdf-fileSex in basic research: concepts in the cardiovascular field

(Cardiovascular Research (2017))


Women and men, female and male animals and cells are biologically different, and acknowledgement of this fact is critical to advancing medicine. However, incorporating concepts of sex-specific analysis in basic research is largely neglected, introducing bias into translational findings, clinical concepts and drug development. Research funding agencies recently approached these issues but implementation of policy changes in the scientific community is still limited, probably due to deficits in concepts, knowledge and proper methodology. This expert review is based on the EUGenMed project ( developing a roadmap for implementing sex and gender in biomedical and health research. For sake of clarity and conciseness, examples are mainly taken from the cardiovascular field that may serve as a paradigm for others, since a significant amount of knowledge how sex and oestrogen determine the manifestation of many cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has been accumulated. As main concepts for implementation of sex in basic research, the study of primary cell and animals of both sexes, the study of the influence of genetic vs. hormonal factors and the analysis of sex chromosomes and sex specific statistics in genome wide association studies (GWAS) are discussed. The review also discusses methodological issues, and analyses strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in implementing sex-sensitive aspects into basic research.


Cardiopuls-2017-Peters pic-pdf-filePregnancy and risk of cardiovascular disease:
is the relationship due to childbearing or childrearing?

(Cardiopuls 2017)

Pregnancy has long been considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
However, recent evidence showing similar relationships between the number of children and cardiovascular disease in men suggests that childrearing is more likely than childbearing to affect the risk of cardiovascular disease.



Seeland-U Prevalence-of-arterial-stiffnesspic-pdf-fileBioscience Reports (2016) 36

Prevalence of arterial stiffness and the risk of myocardial diastolic dysfunction in women

The present study determines the prevalence of vascular dysfunction and arterial stiffness (ASt) in a female urban population by measuring the brachial augmentation index (AIx) and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV). The study tests the hypothesis that the measurement of AIx and PWV is useful in addition to that of traditional cardiovascular risk factors when assessing the risk for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD). This cross-sectional study recruited 965 women aged 25–75 years from 12 districts of Berlin. The ASt indices, brachial AIx, aortic PWV and the central blood pressure were measured by an oscillometric method. A randomly selected subgroup (n = 343) was examined by echocardiography. Trans-mitral inflow E/A ratio and diastolic mitral annulus velocity (´e) were assessed.
Questionnaires, medical history and blood sampling were used for the evaluation of individual risk factors. Normal vascular function was found in 55% of the women included. The prevalence of women with pathological AIx only (AIx −10%, PWV normal) was 21.5%, whereas 17.9% were affected by increased AIx and PWV (AIx  −10%, PWV 9.7 m/s), and 6% with only pathological PWV values. The prevalence of LVDD was 31.7%. LVDD was significantly associated with pathological PWV  9.7 m/s [OR: 1.27, 95%CI: 1.02–1.57], age [OR: 4.17, 95%CI: 2.87–6.07] and a waist circumference >80 cm [OR: 3.61, 95%CI: 1.85–7.04] in multiple regression analysis. The high prevalence of markers for vascular dysfunction and ASt in a general female population and their importance as a mediator of diastolic dysfunction should encourage implementation of aortic PWV measurement to improve cardiovascular-risk assessment in particular to identify subclinical myocardial diastolic dysfunction.



publication-2016-seelandpic-pdf-fileeGender - from e-Learning to e-Research:
a web-based interactive knowledge-sharing platform for sex- and gender-specific medical education



Background: Sex and Gender Medicine is a novel discipline that provides equitable medical care for society and improves outcomes for both male and female patients. The integration of sex- and gender-specific knowledge into medical curricula is limited due to adequate learning material, systematic teacher training and an innovative communication strategy. We aimed at initiating an e-learning and knowledge-sharing platform for Sex and Gender Medicine, the eGender platform (, to ensure that future doctors and health professionals will have adequate knowledge and communication skills on sex and gender differences in order to make informed decisions for their patients.

Methods: The web-based eGender knowledge-sharing platform was designed to support the blended learning pedagogical teaching concept and follows the didactic concept of constructivism. Learning materials developed by Sex and Gender Medicine experts of seven universities have been used as the basis for the new learning tools. The content of these tools is patient-centered and provides add-on information on gender-sensitive aspects of diseases. The structural part of eGender was designed and developed using the open source e-learning platform Moodle. The eGender platform comprises an English and a German version of e-learning modules: one focusing on basic knowledge and seven on specific medical disciplines. Each module consists of several courses corresponding to a disease or symptom complex. Self-organized learning has to be managed by using different learning tools, e.g., texts and audiovisual material, tools for online communication and collaborative work.

Results: More than 90 users from Europe registered for the eGender Medicine learning modules. The most frequently accessed module was “Gender Medicine-Basics” and the users favored discussion forums. These elearning modules fulfill the quality criteria for higher education and are used within the elective Master Module “Gender Medicine-Basics” implemented into the accredited Master of Public Health at Charité-Berlin.


EHJ-2015-Gender-in-cardiovascular-diseases-1pic-pdf-fileEuropean Heart Journal Advance Access published November 3, 2015
Gender in cardiovascular diseases: impact on clinical manifestations, management and outcomes:



In the vast majority of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), there are well-described differences between women and men in epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, effects of therapy, and outcomes. 1 – 3 These differences arise on one hand from biological differences among women and men, which are called sex differences.
They are due to differences in gene expression from the sex chromosomes and subsequent differences in sexual hormones leading to differences in gene expression and function in the CV system, e.g. in vascular function and NO signalling, in myocardial remodelling under stress, or metabolism of drugs by sexspecific cytochrome expression. Sex differences are frequently reproducible in animal models. In contrast, gender differences are unique to the human. They arise from sociocultural processes, such as different behaviours of women and men; exposure to specific influences of the environment; different forms of nutrition, lifestyle, or stress; or attitudes towards treatments and prevention.
These are equally important for CVDs. Both sex and gender (S&G) influence human development (Figure 1). Since it is almost impossible to distinguish properly between effects of S&G in the medical field, the EUGenMed writing group decided to discuss both of them together and to use the term S&G for all medical relevant differences between women and men in the present review ...



book-sex-and-gender-differences-smallpic-book-linkSex and Gender Differences in Pharmacology

Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera (Eds.)
Springer-Verlag Ausgabe 2012
Hardcover, ISBN 978-3642307256
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (Band 214)

This is the very first book to deal with sex and gender differences in drug therapy - an increasingly recognized medical need. It starts with an overview on S/G in clinical syndromes and a documentation of the medical and socioeconomic damage caused by gender specific adverse drug effects. Part I covers S/G differences in pharmacokinetics. Researchers will be satisfied by the detailed discussion of the mechanisms of S/G differences in drug effects that represents cutting edge science and includes interaction of drugs with sex hormones, genomic and epigenetic mechanisms. It also covers S/G in drug development, in animal models and clinical development and S/G in drug prescriptions. Part II targets S/G differences in drug effects in cardiovascular, pulmonary, CNS, neuromuscular, neuropsychiatric and metabolic diseases, in cancer, inflammation, and rheumatic diseases, in bacterial and retroviral infections, thrombosis, embolism. New drugs will be discussed.


book-sex-and-gender aspects-smallpic-book-linkSex and Gender Aspects in Clinical Medicine

Oertelt-Prigione, Sabine; Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera (Eds.)
2012, 2012, XI, 201 p. 29 illus., 27 in color.
Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-85729-831-7

Dear friends,
Dear colleagues,

Gender Medicine is an emerging and exiting new scientific field. Its inclusion into medical practice and education was hampered by the fact that there was no short and comprehensive teaching book that covered all aspects of gender medicine.

We are now proud and happy that we can introduce such a book:
The teaching book “Sex and Gender aspects in Clinical Medicine” is the first and only book in this area that is based on a systematic literature review in nine major clinical disciplines. It offers a well focused and comprehensive presentation of the field in 12 chapters with numerous figures, tables, summaries and Take Home Messages by internationally recognised experts.

We worked hard to assemble the available literature in an unbiased approach and to have it interpreted by international outstanding experts.
The book is available as hardcover as well as eBook.

I hope that you enjoy reading.
With the very best regards
Vera Regitz-Zagrosek